You may have run into the same problem that quite a few
people have as well- you don’t have enough space in your home or apartment for
a Christmas tree. I’ve looked around and found some easy ideas you can use to
have a Christmas tree with any amount of space.
- Choose a section of your wall that you won’t mind painting
and turn it into a canvas of wonder. Use a can of chalkboard paint on the wall
and draw your tree, fireplace, and other holiday related themes on it. It’s
great for the kids too. You can purchase a can of the paint online at Michaels’
for $7.99.
- If you have loose branches lying around in your yard pick
them up and use them to create a tree on your wall. Tie some string around them
and mount them on your wall in the shape of a tree. You can even add ornaments
to make it more like a Christmas tree.

- Choose your favorite picture of a Christmas tree (make sure
it’s not copyrighted) or even a regular tree, take it to your local print shop,
and have it enlarged to the size similar to a tapestry. Hang the print out on a
dowel rod and place it anywhere you’d like. Check out Staples for a printout or
even a local FedEx/Kinko’s store.
- Add strips of crepe paper to your wall in the shape of a
tree. Have the kids help out too. It makes a fun and creative craft for them.
- Make a tree out of Evergreen branches laying around or even
go to your local craft store and attach them to dowel rods. This makes it more
like a realistic tree and adds the wonderful scent of the outdoors to your
- If you don’t have the time to find some branches, cut paper,
or paint check out your home for stuff you already have. If you have some
shelves turn them into a festive display. Grab those old holiday greeting
cards, mismatched gloves, and scarves.

- Another great thing to try is the washi tape. They have many
different colors and designs it makes it fun and interesting to try different
- Construction paper makes a neat crafting project for the
whole family. Just cut some shapes out or even just a plain shape, tape them to
the wall, and add cutout ornaments to it.
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